4 Tips to Ensure Winter Weather Vehicle Safety
Have you ever been stuck on the side of the road due to bad weather? We've all been there, but we are here to make the best out of a bid situation. These tips will ensure you and your car safety during the winter months.
Winter Car Services
Get your vehicle’s oil changed according to either the mileage on your odometer or the length of time it has been since your last oil change. When you have this done professionally, the car services company will also check the pressure in your tires, tighten any loose belts or hoses, replace any dirty filers, top off any liquids, and ensure your windshield wipers are working properly.
Being proactive and taking the time to schedule and get these car services done before the first blizzard hits will help to maintain your vehicle and make your car safer on the wintry roads for both you and the other drivers.
Winter Emergency Kit Items
If you have to pull over and wait for a tow truck or get off the road due to hazardous weather, you’ll want to be sure you have a Winter Emergency Kit in your vehicle's trunk and that it is fully stocked with these items:
- a warm blanket
- extra winter clothes: hats, gloves, socks, and boots
- bottles of water and snacks: trail mixes, hard candies, crackers
- an ice scraper, a shovel, and a flashlight with new batteries
- windshield washer fluid and new wipers
- flares, jumper cables, and a tool kit
- a good spare tire, a jack, tire chains, and a tire gauge
- a first-aid kit
- a bag of sand to use as traction if a tire gets stuck in snow
- an emergency-use cellphone
Vehicle Breakdown Protection Plan
It doesn’t matter whether you are driving a brand new vehicle or are behind the wheel of one you’ve been driving for a few years now, vehicles can and do break down ~ and always at the most opportune times.
Being smart and proactive by investing in a vehicle protection plan before you need it will eliminate undue stress in your life and, should your vehicle needs the car services provided within the plan ~ you can rest assured knowing that the minor vehicle repair hiccup in your day is no big deal.
Getting stranded, but staying safe
If you don’t know where you are or how far you are from the nearest gas station or open store, don’t leave your vehicle and start walking aimlessly. As you wait for help to arrive, stay with your vehicle, light two flares (from your Emergency Kit) and place one on the road in front of your vehicle and the other on the road behind your vehicle. Bundle up with your extra winter clothes, and stay warm under the blanket.
If your gas tank still has a lot of gas in it, run the engine and the car’s heater for about 10 minutes, then shut it off for a few minutes. Open a window a little bit to stop it from sealing completely shut from the ice and temperature. To prevent your mouth from becoming dry, drink some water and suck on the hard candy you packed. If your regular cellphone’s battery has gone out, use the emergency cellphone you have in your safety kit.
Click HERE to request a or call 877-397-1022 to find out how we can make you and your vehicle a priority. If your current warranty is about to expire, please consider True Auto for your future automobile extended warranty.