Here's Why Extended Auto Warranties Are Worth It
You're probably not thinking much about the distant future while you're buying a new car. After all, important purchases have a way of attracting all of your attention to the here and now, and the sights, sounds, and feelings associated with your new vehicle might be driving responsible thoughts out of your mind. You want to savor the feeling of sliding into your smoothly operating automobile for as long as possible, however, you should give a thought to the road ahead and consider the benefits of extended auto warranties.
Car Repairs Are Complicated
Extended auto warranties, which are also called service agreements or maintenance agreements, cover the cost to repair your car for an agreed-upon period. Even if you have the repair manual for your vehicle, the simplest automotive problems are often too complicated for a novice car owner. Plus, the average driver simply doesn't have time to mess around with amateur repair processes that may or may not produce the desired results. By investing in an extended auto warranty, you can cut right to the chase and get repairs done by qualified professionals. An extended auto warranty is also the best way to keep up with your maintenance schedule, which extends the life of your vehicle and increases its value.
Your Warranty Saves You Money
When it comes to performing maintenance on your new car, it's not a matter of "if" but "when." Proper maintenance is the best way to protect both your car's value and your safety on the road, and automobiles have so many moving parts that breakdowns are an inevitability. According to Kelly Blue Book, repairs and maintenance are two key factors of your car's 5-year cost to own, which is a metric that denotes the true cost of owning your car five years after the date of purchase. Examples of other factors that can drive up your 5-year cost to own include state fees, fuel, and insurance, but you can significantly mitigate these seemingly inevitable expenditures by bundling your maintenance and repair costs together with an extended auto warranty. While it may seem like your car will stay new forever, repair and maintenance costs are unavoidable, and you can keep yourself from racking up continued vehicle-related expenses by investing in an extended auto warranty.
Warranties Increase Your Car's Value
A car that's under warranty is easier to sell. Even if your car's extended warranty has expired, prospective buyers view previous warranty coverage as a guarantee that your vehicle was taken care of properly. Whenever you decide to sell your car, protecting it with an extended auto warranty will allow you to command a better price at the negotiating table. Whether you eventually decide to sell your car to a private buyer or trade it in for a newer model at the dealership, investing in an extended auto warranty now is the best way to ensure that your car will retain its value for years to come.