When buying a vehicle, it typically has some sort of warranty connected to it. The warranty may vary in length and what it covers, but it protects a driver from spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on expensive fixes when caused by manufacturer defects.
For any driver who is eyeballing their current warranty and sees it is set to expire soon, they need to take advantage of the current warranty and then consider looking into an extended vehicle warranty. Each driver needs to make their own decision, but understanding what an extended vehicle warranty can do and how to use it remains extremely important.
Take the Car In Before the Warranty Runs Out
A vehicle warranty covers different elements of the vehicle. Usually all of this sits under the hood, but it does depend on the kind of vehicle driven and the warranty itself. Some vehicles have different warranties that run out at different year and mileage points.
Either way, it is a very good idea to take the vehicle in right before the warranty is set to expire. Not all problems are readily noticeable. Sometimes there might be a problem building under the hood but no apparent signs are displayed while driving.
Due to this, it is important to have the vehicle looked at. A problem might be detected that is still covered by the warranty. By catching it now, the warranty is still good and covers the associated expenses.
Is an Extended Vehicle Warranty Right?
An extended vehicle warranty can be purchased after the buy date of the vehicle. With this extended warranty, it does become possible to increase the overall protection of the car.
Now, an extended vehicle warranty is not something that lasts forever. Like a regular manufacturer's warranty, it has an end point, whether it is years, mileage, or whichever one comes first.
It is important for a vehicle owner to determine if the new warranty is right. Essentially, they need to consider whether or not their vehicle is going to break down during the course of the extended warranty. Insurance covers accidents and repairs associated with this, so that is not at issue. What is at issue is something breaking on the vehicle due to age, wear and tear and just failing to work properly.
What to Look For in an Extended Warranty?
So what points should be considered?
- A driver needs to look at the vehicle they drive.
- The cost of the vehicle.
- The cost of the extended warranty.
With several years of driving under an owner's belt, if they have run into several different problems while driving the vehicle, purchasing an extended warranty may be smart. They can talk with the dealer about the manufacturers extended warranty or search for a third-party offering online.
Now, if they have not yet had problems, it doesn't mean something might break on the next turn. Modern cars are built extremely well, but they are also more expensive to fix than older vehicles. Newer vehicles rely heavily on computer aided technology, and whenever a computer is involved, the repair cost tends to skyrocket (instead of replacing a built on a 90s car, it requires a belt and a computer chip, which drastically increases the cost).
Looking at the vehicle and doing some research on possible problems can help an owner determine if they should go for the warranty. According to Consumer Report, the average extended warranty sits at $1,200, with more for more expensive vehicles. If the potential repair costs exceed this price tag, it is a good idea to get the warranty.
Click HERE to request a from True Auto and find out how we can make you and your vehicle a priority. If your current warranty is about to expire, please consider True Auto for your future automobile extended warranty.