When you own a vehicle, there are many different things that you need to take care of in order for you to get the most use and enjoyment out of that vehicle. To keep costs down and still have yourself covered, you should get an extended warranty that will provide the extra coverage that many car owners need. The best extended car warranty for you and your vehicle will have certain features, so make sure that these features are in the policy before you sign up and pay for a new policy. Here is a list of what you should look for in a contract with a new provider.
Having an extended warranty can provide extra coverage for car owners
When you have an older car that has been well-maintained, can it be covered in a similar manner like newer model cars are? Not many companies will cover older cars with an extended warranty, but a few will. Is your vehicle's model young enough to be covered under a policy for services at or near the same level of coverage that newer model cars are covered? If updates to the interior of your vehicle are covered under individual warranties from the manufacturers, amenities being excluded from coverage by a policy might not need to be a deal-breaker if the frame and motor is covered by that policy.
Affordability plus coverage of parts and labor should be included under policy benefits. Some policies have you pay for the labor, forcing you into paying whatever price their pre-approved service center charges, and sometimes that can be expensive. Read the fine print in the policy before you sign and see exactly what is offered for your car or truck's make and model. Finding the best extended car warranty and purchasing a policy can help you prevent this problem.
When you travel out of your home state, will you still be covered? Will you be required to have repairs done only at an approved shop, or are you free to take your vehicle to any repair shop that is licensed and qualified to do the work? This is a very important, and also cost-reducing, aspect of any policy. If you are required by your policy to have work done only at certain pre-approved shops, or only in a certain geographic area, this can cause you extra frustration in locating such a place. It can also end up costing you a great deal if you must have your vehicle towed a long distance just to have work performed, plus it can ruin a business trip or vacation, costing you in lost reservations and clients. Make sure you can have work done in any state you might travel to with your vehicle.
Finding a policy that pays the shop performing the repairs directly, instead of reimbursing you after you've paid to retrieve your vehicle, can be beneficial in many ways. You'll receive your vehicle much quicker, you won't be out the cost of repairs waiting for a check in the mail, and the cost of parts and labor will be set by the policy company and the shop itself, eliminating the need for you to negotiate with the shop, and also any surprise work that 'needs' done.
Always read the fine print to make sure that you understand the policy you are about to sign, and ask any questions about aspects that you don't understand. Having an extra policy won't do you any good if you've bought one that can't or won't provide benefits when you need it most but finding the best extended car warranty for you will solve more problems than another policy might create.
Click HERE to request a FREE QUOTE or Call 877-397-1022 to find out how we can make you and your vehicle a priority. If your current warranty is about to expire, please consider True Auto for your future automobile extended warranty needs.