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Christmas Gifts You Can Give Your Car


Christmas Gifts You Can Give Your Car This Year copyIf you treat your car well, it will treat you well too. Be good to it, and it can run smoothly and faithfully for many years. One of the best ways to be good to your car is to give it the things it needs. And what better time to do that than the holidays? It’s the season of giving! Here are a few Christmas gifts you can give your car, to keep it in top condition.

  • A Carwash: A good wash and wax will help your car look like new. But washing does even more than that. Getting rid of dirt and grime helps prevent corrosion and rust. So, give your car a bath this Christmas, and resolve to continue doing it regularly going forward.
  • New Tires: Your tires play a huge part in how your car runs, and how long it runs. They affect your suspension, your fuel efficiency, and much more. Good treads give you a better grip on the road, helping you drive better and lowering the risk of accidents. Assuming you drive your car regularly, tires should be replaced every three to four years. If you only drive it sparingly, the disuse can actually cause cracks in the rubber, requiring replacement more often than that. Either way, if it's been some time since you replaced your tires, a new set would be one of the best gifts you can give your car this year.
  • A Tune-Up: Every so often, you need to have a professional give your car a thorough going over and make sure it's running as it should. If the car has difficulty starting, or has begun stalling frequently, those are signs that a tune-up is needed. Your mechanic will do things like check the battery, tire pressure, ignition timing, and more. If you have an older car, without an electronic ignition, you should have your car serviced every year or so. Newer cars can go longer - anywhere from 25,000 to 100,000 miles - without a tune-up. Check the manual or look online to see how often the manufacturer recommends your car be serviced.
  • An Extended Vehicle Warranty: No matter how good you are to your car, sometimes it will simply break down. And repairs can be expensive. That's why one of the best gifts for your car is vehicle breakdown insurance, also called an extended warranty. Under the extended warranty, when certain important parts of your car break down, you can have them replaced quickly and easily, without running up a lot of costly mechanic bills. It lowers your car's overall cost of ownership while also helping it last longer. Vehicle breakdown insurance is a good investment for anyone who cares about the future of their car.

When you give your car these kinds of gifts, your car will give you a gift in return: a long, healthy life, running smoothly and getting you where you need to go for years to come. So, what will you give your car for Christmas this year?

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